ADK ČR greybox teze
cz | en | 2024/2025

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Vzdělání / Education

8- and 6-years secondary schools should be abolished2
Attending kindergarden should be compulsory for children in the year before entering elemetary school1
Being young is fun8
Boarding schools are benefitial for children3
Brick and mortar librariers have lost their significance1
Debaters have better lives1
High school students with good grades should not have to attend all lessons3
Homosexual couples should have a right to adopt children4
Judas does not belong to the Czech school leaving exam1
Kindergarten should be compulsory for all children before enrolling primary school5
Mandatory religious education should be introduced in Czech schools8
Mathematics should be a compulsory part of the maturita.4
No subject should be mandatory at Czech high school graduation exams5
Number of compulsory subjects taught on Czech "gymnazium" secondary schools should be reduced5
Pop music harms the youth1
School uniforms improve the quality of education2
School's leaving examination in maths should be mandatory0
TH would abolish grading at schools2
TH would prioritize disadvantaged minorities in application to universities.1
That civics should be a compulsory graduation subject1
That computer games do more harm than good1
That debaters make better spouses3
That we should destroy this school1
THBT all young people should be required to do some form of National Service (not necessarily military) for two full years. 2
THBT parents should have a right to forbid their children from attending evolution classes.1
THBT university education should be free2
The community service should be compulsory for high school students in their free time11
The countries should ban the import of goods produced by child labour2
The Czech education system should fundamentally change (P)16
The Czech Republic should increase its support for technical university education at the expense of humanities and social studies2
The introduction of tuition fees at Czech Universities is not the way to go14
The school should promote patriotism5
There should be obligatory school-leaving exam in maths1
This House believes that Universal Primary Education is a misallocation of resources for the developing world2
THW assess students on individual academic development instead of standardised examination results2
We should debate only in Czech1
Youtubers have negative influence on children7