ADK ČR greybox teze
cz | en | 2024/2025

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Kultura / Culture

American culture is an oxymoron3
Celebrities are wrong role models for the youth1
Downloading Music and Films from the Internet should be prohibited0
Downloading of music and movies from the internet should be prohibited3
Graffiti is an art0
Hollywood has been a bad influence3
Hollywood is detrimental6
Pop music harms the youth1
Soap operas cause more mental harm than violent action movies1
State should subsidise arts3
That graffiti is a piece of art1
THBT state should not subsidise the arts1
The World would be a better place without Christmas1
We don't want any violet octopuses in Prague3
We should not expose children to Disney princesses1
We should support modern urban planning, even if it changes the historical character of the city2