ADK ČR greybox teze
cz | en | 2024/2025

nepřihlášený uživatel přihlásit

jazyk: cz | en | de | fr

podle kategorie

Životní prostředí / Environment

Bio-fuels do bring more harm than good2
Development aid should be tied to combating climate change5
Efforts to adress global warming do more harm than good23
Entry of motor vehicles into the big city centres should be charged2
Mankind should try to preserve species2
Public transport in cities should be free of charge1
Subsidies on public transport should be abolished (P)0
TH would cease the exploitation of arctic region1
TH would introduce environmental tax1
That tourism is harmful3
That we should limit economic development for the protection of environment1
That we should prefer alternative sources of energy1
THBT environmental groups should use violence to achieve their goals1
The EU should abolish the Common Agricultural Policy4
The international community should support the development of nuclear power industry9
This house believes that nuclear energy is a necessary means of fighting the climate change1
This house would cease the exploitation of resources in the Arctic region1
This house would make demonstrable commitment to combating climate change a precondition for the receipt of development aid.1