ADK ČR greybox teze
cz | en | 2024/2025

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Mezinárodní organizace / International organizations

All states should immediately ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers and their Families1
NATO should occupy Syria4
Schengen area has brought more harm than good15
TH considers that Commonwealth has outlived its usefulness.2
THBT EU should have militarily intervened in Syria unilaterally after the Russian and Chinese veto in the UN in February 2012 given the situation at the time.2
The EU should abolish the Common Agricultural Policy4
The EU should accept Ukraine as a member by 20209
The EU should impose sanctions on those of its member states which restrict liberal democracy1
The International Monetary Fund brings more harm than good31
The UN Security Council should be reformed (P)16
THW reform UN security council2