ADK ČR greybox Debate League XIV.
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XIV. ročník prestižní soutěže středoškolské mládeže v debatování v anglickém jazyce.
Tato soutěž je již od r. 1996 zařazena do soutěží kategorie "C" doporučené MŠMT ČR.

Výsledky po finálovém turnaji jsou tyto:
1. Non Sequitur
2. Dully Dulls
3. Future Leaders of the World
4. Poison Voice

sezóna: 2008/2009

přehled řečnických bodů


11Dully DullsGJN73.18310
22Non SequiturDK Nad Alejí71.2919
33Future leaders of the WorldDK Nad Alejí70.29519
44Poison VoiceOlomouc Hejčín62.07015
5Shiny happy peopleDK Nad Alejí55.7034
56In no senceDK Nad Alejí50.62310
67Eamus CatuliOpen Gate47.42714
89Buržoazní dekadenceDK Nad Alejí38.11214
10Aces of SpadesSPŠCH Brno33.2025
11Inheritance of DarknessDK Nad Štolou32.6555
12Open Gate 2Open Gate27.9994


The Colours of Liberec2008-10-3119
JEDOV´n´ICE, english DL2008-12-1220
...and Přerov again!2009-02-2010
Malé Svatoňovice for the first time2009-03-2715


2009-03-28Future leaders of the WorldOpen Gate 2direct democracyaff 3:0více
2009-03-28Open Gate 2Poison VoiceProhibitionneg 3:0více
2009-03-28Non SequiturFuture leaders of the WorldNukesaff 2:1více
2009-03-28Future leaders of the WorldPoison VoiceFootball clubsaff 2:1více
2009-03-28Non SequiturOpen Gate 2dopingaff 3:0více
2009-03-28StalkersNon Sequiturdirect democracyneg 3:0více
2009-03-28Eamus CatuliBuržoazní dekadenceProhibitionaff 3:0více
2009-03-28Poison VoiceEamus Catulicorporal punishmentaff 2:1více
2009-03-28Future leaders of the WorldStalkersTortureaff 2:1více
2009-03-28Buržoazní dekadenceStalkersreligionneg 3:0více
2009-03-28StalkersEamus CatuliFootball clubsaff 2:1více
2009-03-28Buržoazní dekadencePoison Voicedirect democracyneg 3:0více
2009-03-27Eamus CatuliFuture leaders of the Worlddirect democracyneg 3:0více
2009-03-27Poison VoiceStalkersdirect democracyneg 3:0více
2009-03-27Open Gate 2Buržoazní dekadencedirect democracyneg 3:0více
2009-02-22Future leaders of the WorldBuržoazní dekadenceinternational interferenceaff 3:0více
2009-02-22Non SequiturEamus Catuliinternational interferenceaff 3:0více
2009-02-21Eamus CatuliFuture leaders of the Worldagri-food tradeneg 3:0více
2009-02-21StalkersBuržoazní dekadenceagri-food tradeaff 2:1více
2009-02-21Future leaders of the WorldStalkersagri-food tradeaff 3:0více
2009-02-21Buržoazní dekadenceEamus Catuliagri-food tradeaff 3:0více
2009-02-21Future leaders of the WorldBuržoazní dekadenceSponsoring major sportsaff 3:0více
2009-02-21StalkersEamus CatuliEU presidencyneg 3:0více
2009-02-20Buržoazní dekadenceStalkersinternational interferenceaff 3:0více
2009-02-20Eamus CatuliFuture leaders of the Worldinternational interferenceneg 3:0více
2008-12-14Aces of SpadesInheritance of Darknessdirect democracyaff 2:1více
2008-12-14StalkersDully Dullsdirect democracyneg 3:0více
2008-12-14Future leaders of the WorldNon Sequiturdirect democracyneg 3:0více
2008-12-14Poison VoiceIn no sencedirect democracyaff 3:0více
2008-12-13Non SequiturAces of Spadesdirect democracyaff 3:0více
2008-12-13Inheritance of DarknessPoison Voicedirect democracyneg 3:0více
2008-12-13In no senceStalkersdirect democracyaff 3:0více
2008-12-13Dully DullsFuture leaders of the Worlddirect democracyneg 2:1více
2008-12-13Aces of SpadesStalkersfinancing churchneg 3:0více
2008-12-13Poison VoiceDully Dullsmonarchyneg 3:0více
2008-12-13Future leaders of the WorldNon Sequiturfinancing churchaff 3:0více
2008-12-13Inheritance of DarknessIn no sencemonarchyneg 3:0více
2008-12-13Dully DullsAces of Spadesagri-food tradeaff 3:0více
2008-12-13Poison VoiceNon Sequituragri-food tradeneg 2:1více
2008-12-13Future leaders of the WorldIn no senceagri-food tradeaff 3:0více
2008-12-13StalkersPoison Voiceagri-food tradeneg 3:0více
2008-12-13Non SequiturInheritance of Darknessagri-food tradeaff 3:0více
2008-12-13Aces of SpadesFuture leaders of the Worldagri-food tradeneg 3:0více
2008-12-13Inheritance of DarknessStalkersagri-food tradeaff 3:0více
2008-12-13In no senceDully Dullsagri-food tradeneg 3:0více
2008-11-02Dully DullsEamus Catulidirect democracyaff 3:0více
2008-11-02Buržoazní dekadencePoison Voicedirect democracyneg 3:0více
2008-11-02StalkersIn no sencedirect democracyneg 3:0více
2008-11-01Eamus CatuliFuture leaders of the Worlddirect democracyneg 3:0více
2008-11-01In no senceBuržoazní dekadencedirect democracyaff 3:0více
2008-11-01Poison VoiceStalkersdirect democracyaff 3:0více
2008-11-01Shiny happy peopleDully Dullsdirect democracyaff 2:1více
2008-11-01Shiny happy peoplePoison Voicepets and peopleneg 3:0více
2008-11-01StalkersIn no sencevoting since 16neg 3:0více
2008-11-01Future leaders of the WorldBuržoazní dekadencepets and peopleaff 3:0více
2008-11-01Eamus CatuliDully Dullspets and peopleneg 3:0více
2008-11-01Buržoazní dekadenceStalkersinternational interferenceneg 2:1více
2008-11-01Poison VoiceDully Dullsinternational interferenceneg 3:0více
2008-11-01In no senceFuture leaders of the Worldinternational interferenceneg 3:0více
2008-11-01Shiny happy peopleEamus Catuliinternational interferenceneg 3:0více
2008-11-01Eamus CatuliBuržoazní dekadenceinternational interferenceaff 3:0více
2008-11-01StalkersShiny happy peopleinternational interferenceneg 3:0více
2008-11-01Dully DullsIn no senceinternational interferenceaff 3:0více
2008-11-01Future leaders of the WorldPoison Voiceinternational interferenceneg 3:0více