ADK ČR greybox teze
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Politická teorie / Political theory

Assassination of the Reichsprotector Reynhard Heydrich was justifiable1
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia should be banned2
Every nation should have the right to self-determination4
Extremist political parties should be banned5
Feminism is a harmful ideology1
Government officials should be banned from owning great companies2
Children should have a voting right exercised by their legal guardians12
Majority voting system is preferable to the proportional one16
Passing a competency test should be a mandatory requirement for the right to vote.2
People serving prison sentences should be permitted to vote in elections1
Politicians should be forbidden to own media enterprizes2
Presidential elections in the CR should change1
State should not limit the expenditures for election campaign2
That voting in democracies should be made compulsory3
That national state has no future5
That the communist party should be banned1
That there should be a minimum quota for women in the Parliament2
That we should recognize Kosovo as an independent state1
THBT a parliamentary democracy requires the inclusion of sovereign referenda to decide on important issues.2
THBT newly democratised Arab nations should not allow religious parties to participate in elections2
THBT the elections should be mandatory1
The electoral treshold for the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament should be abolished0
The EU should impose sanctions on those of its member states which restrict liberal democracy1
The government should lie to its citizens under certain circumstances14
The Senate should be abolished0
The voting age should be lowered to 16 years of age1
The weight of citizen's vote should relate to the amount of taxes he pays6
This house supports the use of sporting competitions as a political tool2
This house would ban the publication of political opinion polls1
This house would introduce quotas for women in national elections2
This house would offer dictators immunity in return for leaving power2
This house would permit legislating by citizen initited referenda1
THW place limits on financing of political campaings from private sources1
Voters should prefer established political parties to newly created ones2
Voting should be made compulsory2
Vox populi is a relic1
We shouldn't forgive dictators28
When implemented, the measures of direct democracy are harmful27