language: en
resolution: Homosexual couples should have a right to adopt children
short text: Gay adoption
Vzdělání / Education |
Zdraví / Health |
Návrhová / Proposal |
Mezilidské vztahy / Interpersonal relationships |
date | aff | neg | result | |
2016-12-07 | Pacifiction | H2O | aff 3:0 | details |
2013-06-08 | Red Rangers | Smile | aff 3:0 | details |
2013-06-08 | The Mighty Morphin Midget Ninjas | Ocean Motion | aff 3:0 | details |
2009-11-05 | Buržoazní dekadence | 1620 | aff 3:0 | details |
Average ballots (aff:neg): 3.0000:0.0000