ADK ČR greybox EU should open its doors to immigrants (P)
cz | en | 2024/2025

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jazyk: en
teze: EU should open its doors to immigrants (P)
krátký text: EU/immigrants


Mezinárodní vztahy / International affairs
Morální dilemata / Moral dilemmas
Evropská unie / European Union
Plánová / Policy


2014-02-08I will do dishes for youDebaklaff 3:0více
2014-02-08We did start the fireBejachadaff 3:0více
2014-02-07BejachadI will do dishes for youneg 3:0více
2014-02-07DebaklWe did start the fireneg 3:0více
2013-12-15Its a kind of magicI will do dishes for youneg 2:1více
2013-12-15BejachadAmbiance PORGneg 3:0více
2013-12-15JMTPrimus inter paresneg 3:0více
2013-12-13I will do dishes for youBejachadaff 3:0více
2013-12-13Primus inter paresIts a kind of magicaff 3:0více
2013-12-13Ambiance PORGJMTaff 3:0více

Průměr výsledku (balloty aff:neg): 1.6000:1.4000