ADK ČR greybox Bejachad / Debate Cup XVII.
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tým: Bejachad
soutěž: Debate Cup XVII.
body celkem: 63

2014-02-09affWe did start the firesharing legalizedprohráli 3:06detaily
2014-02-08negDebaklpoliticians and mediaprohráli 2:16detaily
2014-02-08negI will do dishes for yousharing legalizedprohráli 2:17detaily
2014-02-08negWe did start the fireEU/immigrantsprohráli 3:05detaily
2014-02-07affI will do dishes for youEU/immigrantsprohráli 3:05detaily
2014-01-29affThe ČAG Norrissharing legalizedprohráli 2:16detaily
2013-12-15affAmbiance PORGEU/immigrantsprohráli 3:05detaily
2013-12-14affPrimus inter pareschildeless peopleprohráli 3:05detaily
2013-12-14affJMTsocial media accountsvyhráli 2:18detaily
2013-12-14negPrimus inter parescutting prohráli 3:05detaily
2013-12-13negI will do dishes for youEU/immigrantsprohráli 3:05detaily