ADK ČR greybox The Handsome Duo / Debate Cup XXIV.
cz | en | 2024/2025

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tým: The Handsome Duo
soutěž: Debate Cup XXIV.
body celkem: 43

2021-03-11negWeapons of Mass Distractionlimit wealthvyhráli 3:08detaily
2021-01-24affEwocisocial democracyprohráli 3:06detaily
2021-01-24negKPSPSMRsocial democracyprohráli 2:17detaily
2021-01-23aff?!?!!?air travelprohráli 2:16detaily
2021-01-23negNeutralityNorth Koreaprohráli 3:06detaily
2021-01-22affRytíři Rutherforda B. HayseNorth Koreavyhráli 3:010detaily